
SS2025 TP III "Classical Field Theory" (in German)
SS2024 Advanced Seminar "Quantum Simulation"
WS2024-2025 Computational Many-Body Physics
SS2023 Master (6 credits) -- "Computational Many-Body Physics"
WS2023-2024 M-Lab Computational Physics (Practical Course)
SS2022 Bachelor (9 credits) -- "Computerphysik"
SS2021 Bachelor (9 credits) -- "Computerphysik"
WS2020-21 Master -- Master Seminar "Quantum & Classical Simulation of Many-Body Systems"
SS2020 Bachelor -- "Pre-Course on Mathematics"
SS2018 Master (6 credits) -"Selected Chapters of condensed matter physics"
WS 2017-8 "Theory 6: Theoretical Quantum Optics & Many Body Physics"
WS2017-8 Bachelor -"Pre-Course on Mathematics"
SS2017 Bachelor (9 credits) -"Theory 4: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics"
WS2016-7 Master (6 credits) - "Introduction to Quantum Computation"
SS2016 Master (6 credits) - "Selected Chapters of condensed matter physics
WS 2015-6 Master (6 credits) - "Introduction to Quantum Computation"
SS2015 Master (6 credits) - "Selected Chapters of condensed matter physics"
WS 2014-15 Master (3 credits) n "Numerical Methods for strongly correlated electron systems"
WS2014-15 Bachelor (3 credits) - "Mathematical Methods 2"
SS2014 Master (6 credits) - "Introduction to the theory of condensed matter"
WS 2013-14 Bachelor (3 credits) - "Mathematical Methods 2"
SS2013 Master (6 credits) - "Entanglement in many-body systems: concepts & algorithms"
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2024 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Levi Weigand at UzK Cologne
2024 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Mara Ludwig at UzK Cologne
2024 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Johannes Weiss at UzK Cologne
2024 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Paul Römer at UzK Cologne
2023 Supervising the PhD thesis of Patrick Geraghty at FZ Jülich & UzK Cologne
2023 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Ali Can Yildirim at UzK Cologne
2023 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Konrad Schröder at UzK Cologne
2023-2024 Supervising the Master thesis of David Korbany at UzK Cologne (actually Uni Heidelberg student)
2022 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Nikita Alert at UzK Cologne
2022-23 Supervising the Master thesis of Florian Michael at FZ Jülich & UzK Cologne
2022 Supervising the Master thesis of David Korbanyi Uni Heidelberg & UzK Cologne
2021 Supervising the Bachelor Thesis of C. Prygodda at UzK - Cologne
2021 Supervising the Master Thesis of Junaid Akhter at FZJ Jülich & Uni Bonn
2021 Supervising the PhD thesis of Erik Weerda at UzK - Cologne (CRC183)
2021 Supervising the PhD thesis of Daniel Alcalde Puente at FZ Jülich & UzK Cologne
2020 Supervising the PhD thesis of Niklas Tausendpfund at UzK - Cologne
2020 Supervising the Master thesis of Felix Henschke at UzK - Cologne
2020-23 Co-Supervising the PhD thesis of Daniele Contessi at UzK Cologne & Uni Trento (Italy)
2018-19 Supervising the Master thesis of Niklas Tausendpfund at JGU - Mainz
2018-19 Supervising the Master thesis of Jonas Nothhelfer at JGU - Mainz
2017-2020 Co-supervising the PhD thesis of Philipp Schmoll at JGU - Mainz
2017-20 Supervising the PhD thesis of Andreas Haller at JGU - Mainz
2016 Supervising the Master thesis of Andreas Haller at JGU - Mainz
2015-17 Supervising the PhD thesis of Manon Bischoff at JGU - Mainz
2014 Supervising the Bachelor thesis of Andreas Haller at JGU - Mainz
2014 Second Referee of Bachelor / Master / Diploma / PhD theses at JGU - Mainz
2013-2017 Supervising the PhD thesis of Johannes Junemann at JGU - Mainz & MAINZ
2012 Co-supervising the Bachelor thesis of Dominik Schubert at TUM Munchen
2008-2012 Co-supervising the Ph.D. thesis of Dr. Leonardo Mazza at TUM & MPQ-Garching